The Capitol Theatre A-to-Z Guide provides a comprehensive list of answers to frequently asked questions. 

Accessible Parking

Accessible Drop off is located at the entrance to the Capitol Theatre at 1015 Main Street. However, parking in front of the theatre is not permitted. 

Accessible Parking is available on-street near the Capitol Theatre on a first come, first served basis. Accessible Parking is also available at the 10th Street Parking Garage. Additionally, parking is available in multiple surface lots along Main Street and Market Street within short walking distance from the Capitol Theatre.

Accessible Seating

ADA Accessible seating is available at the Capitol Theatre on a first-come, first-served basis while supplies last.

To ensure that people with seating accessibility issues, disabilities, limited mobility and their guests have the same opportunities to enjoy any event within the Capitol Theatre, ADA ticket sales are available in person at the Box Office and by request by emailing

Address & Phone Number

Capitol Theatre

1015 Main Street

Wheeling, WV 26003



Guests of the Capitol Theatre must be 21 years of age or older to purchase and/or consume alcoholic beverages. The Capitol Theatre reserve the right to check proof of legal drinking age.

There is a maximum of four alcoholic beverages per purchase at all concession stands. 

The Capitol Theatre has the right to discontinue the sale of alcohol at any time, during any event.


Emergency announcements should be directed to WesBanco Arena and Capitol Theatre employees immediately. 

Assistive Listening DevicesĀ 

Assistive Listening Devices are available for guests at Capitol Theatre events. To obtain an Assistive Listening Device, please visit our Box Office location. Guests will be required to leave valid picture identification or credit card while the device is on loan.

ATM Machine

One (1) ATM is located in the lobby of the Capitol Theatre. 


The Capitol Theatre does not support unauthorized solicitation of autographs of any kind on Capitol Theatre property. The Capitol Theatre also cannot accept autograph/photograph requests by mail. 

Backstage Passes

The Capitol Theatre does not issue or sell backstage passes to events. Backstage access is strictly limited and is arranged by tour management on a show-by-show basis.

For certain concerts and other events, VIP packages may be purchased in addition to an event ticket. These packages will be advertised in advance and package experiences vary per event.

Bags, Backpacks & Purses

Bags larger smaller than 12”x12”x6" are permitted inside the venue. Small purses, clutches, and wallets within size limits are permitted. Clear bags are suggested for easy access but not required. Diaper bags are allowed and must be accompanied with a child. All bags are subject to search upon entry. 

The following items are not permitted inside the arena bags larger than 12"x12"x6", weapons of any type, including knives, firearms and spiked jewelry, alcohol, drugs, illegal substances, or any paraphernalia associated with drug use, audio/Video recorders, professional cameras, tripods, selfie sticks, cans, bottles, coolers, or other similar containers, food & beverage of any kind, fireworks, flags/Signs that are commercial in nature or utilize wood, metal or other types of objects for support or attachment or may block the view of other fans, iPads/tablets of any size, laser pens/pointers of any type, noisemakers such as air horns, pepper spray/mace, umbrellas that aren't collapsible, any other item deemed unacceptable by event/building management. 

Exceptions will be made for guests with special medical restrictions by emailing 

Visit Bag Policy.

Banners & Signs

Banners and signs are permitted for most events, providing they are in good taste, as deemed by building management, only large enough for one person to hold, and do not obstruct the view of other attendees. Signs must not be commercial in nature or utilize wood, metal or other types of objects for support or attachment. They cannot be hung, fastened, or taped anywhere in the building or in any way obstruct another guest’s view or building signage.


Binoculars and their cases are permitted for most events. All items are subject to searches upon arrival.

Bottles & Cans

No outside bottles, cans or coolers are permitted inside the Capitol Theatre at any time. This includes alcohol, water, or any other beverages. Exceptions may be made in advance for those with medical restrictions by emailing

Visit Bag Policy.

Box Office

The Capitol Theatre Box Office is open daily at Wesbanco Arena.

The WesBanco Arena Box Office is located at:
2 – 14th Street
Wheeling, WV 26003

The Capitol Theatre Box Office opens on event days only.

The Capitol Theatre Box Office is located at:

1015 Main Street

Wheeling, WV 26003 

Hours of Operation

  • The WesBanco Arena Box Office is open Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm..
  • On event days the Capitol Theatre Box Office will typically open two hours prior to doors opening.

Bus Parking

Parking is available for buses transporting groups to WesBanco Arena.

For public group bus parking, contact

For Production Bus Parking, contact


Cameras policies vary for all events. For further information, please visit the individual event page in advance of the event date.

Cell Phones

Use of cell phones in the Capitol Theatre is normally permitted, as long as it does not disturb other fans in the area or interfere with their ability to enjoy the event. In the event that an event restricts the use of cell phones, it will be communicated on the individual event page in advance of the event date. 

Children's Ticket Policies

For most events, children 24 months and younger do not require a ticket if they’re seated on a parent or guardian’s lap. However, please check the specific event page on the Capitol Theatre for any age restrictions.


Comments, questions, or concerns may be submitted by emailing


Concessions are located in the Main Lobby and South Lobby of the Capitol Theatre. Additional temporary stands may be located inside the theatre for certain events. Please see Food & Beverage for more information. 

Credit Cards

VISA, Discover, Mastercard and American Express credit cards are accepted at all concession stands and the Capitol Theatre and WesBanco Arena Box Office. Cash is also accepted. Credit is accepted for merchandise at most events.

Designated Drop-Off/Pick-Up

Guests may utilize the main entrance to the Capitol Theatre at 1015 Main Street as a designated drop-off/pick-up.


The Capitol Theatre is located at 1015 Main Street, Wheeling, WV 26003. Please see Directions & Parking for more information.

Donation Request

Donation requests should be directed to the Promotional Requests form on this website.

Doors Open

Doors generally open one (1) hour prior to the start of an event at the Capitol Theatre. For some events, including Broadway performances, doors may open 30 minutes prior to the start of the event. Please check the individual event page for further information. The Capitol Theatre has a no re-entry policy; once you leave the building during an event, you will not be permitted to return.

E-Cigarette/Vapor Cigarette

The Capitol Theatre does not permit the use of E-Cigarettes/Vapor Cigarettes anywhere on arena property.


There is one (1) elevators located in the Capitol Theatre to access the Capitol Theatre Ballroom. The elevator is located in the South Lobby.

Email Updates

Please see the Connect With Us page to receive the most information about upcoming events, pre-sales, contests, and more!

Employment Opportunities

Please see the Employment Opportunities page on this website for more information.

Face Coverings

In accordance with the West Virginia DHHR guidelines, guests are no longer required to wear a face covering when attending events at the Capitol Theatre.  Certain events may require specific COVID-19 health protocols; therefore, these policies may be adjusted and will be announced prior to each event.


Find the Capitol Theatre on Facebook.

Fan Courtesy Policy

The Capitol Theatre is committed to exceeding the expectations of every guest by delivering the best entertainment experience with quality guest service and exceptional value at a world-class venue.

As a means of creating a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable experience for all guests, the Capitol Theatre asks for your assistance and compliance with the following:

  • Fans shall refrain from any abusive or foul language and obscene gestures directed towards other guests, theatre employees, or performers.
  • Fans shall not wear clothing containing offensive language or indecent graphics.
  • Fans who choose to consume alcohol at the theatre must do so in a legal and responsible manner.
  • Fans who show signs of intoxication or any impairment related to alcohol or drug consumption will be handled in a prompt and safe manner
  • Fans will not hold or hang banners or signs that obstruct the view of guests, obscure advertising or impede the operations of the Capitol Theatre, contain objectionable subject matter, are commercial in nature, or utilize wood, metal or other types of objects for support or attachment. The Capitol Theatre reserves the right to remove any banner or signage at any time.
  • Fans understand that items such as containers, food and beverage, air horns, weapons and laser pointers are prohibited and will not be allowed to enter the arena.
  • Fans may not enter or attempt to enter restricted areas without proper authorization or credentials.
  • Fans may not engage in fighting, throwing objects, either within the seating section or onto the stage or event performance area.
  • Fans shall comply with request from theatre staff regarding theatre operational and emergency procedures
  • Fans may not be who disruptive to the event presentation or performance.
  • Fans encountering difficulties and concerns are urged to contact Capitol Theatre staff immediately.

Violation of this Fan Code of Conduct are subject to ejection from the Capitol Theatre and in some cases subject to criminal prosecution. We thank you for adhering to this policy.

Food & Beverage

No food or beverages of any kind are permitted to be brought into the Capitol Theatre.

Concessions stands located throughout the theatre sell a wide variety of food, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Reasonable accommodations will be made for patrons requesting to bring in outside food or beverage due to health conditions. For additional information, please contact

West Virginia State Law prohibits the sale of alcohol to all persons under the age of 21. Guests are required to show proper identification and proof of age when purchasing alcoholic beverages.  

Visit Food & Beverage.

Gift Cards

Capitol Theatre "Party Pass" Gift Cards are available to purchase food & beverage during future events at WesBanco Arena or the Capitol Theatre. Gift Cards can be purchased at the WesBanco Arena Main Office during normal operating hours or by calling 304-233-7000. 

Capitol Theatre Gift Certificates are available to purchase tickets for future events at WesBanco Arena or the Capitol Theatre. Gift Certificates can be purchased at the WesBanco Arena Main Office or Box Office during normal operating hours.


The Capitol Theatre does not accept gifts for artists, performers, or others in advance of events by mail.

Group Sales

At the Capitol Theatre, we're excited to offer discounts to groups (generally of 10 or more) for many events. Whether you're planning an outing for employees, youth groups, social clubs, business organizations, church groups, senior citizens, or a gathering of friends and family, our staff can help you plan your experience! Group sales benefits include one-on-one sales, special ticket discounts, food & beverage purchase options, and premium hospitality and seating options. Visit Group Sales for more information.


For information on hotels, restaurants, shopping, and more in the Wheeling, WV area see Visit Wheeling, WV. 


Find the Capitol Theatre on Instagram. 


Please see the Employment Opportunities section of this website for any available Internship opportunities.


Please see the Employment Opportunities section of this website.

Lost & Found

Items in lost in found at WesBanco Arena and the Capitol Theatre are held for a period of 30-days following an event in which the item was found. Please call 304-233-7000 to inquire about a lost item or email

Lost or Stolen Tickets

If your tickets are lost or stolen, please contact the Director of Ticket Services at or 304-233-7000. You may also visit the WesBanco Arena Box Office with a Valid Photo ID or original form of payment.


Merchandise for events is typically located in or near the Main Lobby of the Capitol Theatre.

Mobile Ticketing

Mobile tickets are available from the Capitol Theatre, WesBanco Arena, and eTix which means for your ticket purchase, your mobile phone is your ticket! Before arriving at your event, please download your tickets in your account. Upon arrival you will pull up your tickets on your mobile phone, present them to the ticket scanner who will scan the bar code, and you’re in! For easy and quick access, please make sure your tickets are downloaded, ready to be scanned, and the brightness is turned up on your phone upon arrival.

Please note that mobile tickets may not be delivered to your email until 72 hours before an event for security.


Visit Directions and Parking for more information. 


Want to host your party at the Capitol Theatre? Visit Capitol Theatre Ballroom or Meetings & Gatherings.


Pre-sales are available for many events at the Capitol Theatre and WesBanco Arena. For more information, visit WesBanco Arena and Capitol Theatre social media. See the Connect with Us page for more information.

Prohibited Items

The following items are not permitted inside the Capitol Theatre -  bags larger than 12"x12"x6", weapons of any type, including knives, firearms and spiked jewelry, alcohol, drugs, illegal substances, or any paraphernalia associated with drug use, audio/Video recorders, professional cameras, tripods, selfie sticks, cans, bottles, coolers, or other similar containers, food & beverage of any kind, fireworks, flags/Signs that are commercial in nature or utilize wood, metal or other types of objects for support or attachment or may block the view of other fans, laser pens/pointers of any type, noisemakers such as air horns, pepper spray/mace, umbrellas that aren't collapsible, any other item deemed unacceptable by event/building management.

Public Transportation

Public Transportation is available in the Wheeling area via Ohio Valley / Eastern Ohio Regional Transit Authority.


For general questions, please contact or call 304-233-7000.

Re-Entry Policies

Exit and re-entry from WesBanco Arena and the Capitol Theatre are not permitted.

Scalping/Re-Selling Tickets

Guests may not re-sell tickets at any price on the Capitol Theatre and WesBanco Arena property. 

Tickets may be purchased online through the following channels:

The Capitol Theatre and WesBanco Arena cannot verify the legitimacy or price of tickets purchased through any other sites, including secondary sellers, and strongly advise fans to purchase their tickets through those listed above. Tickets purchased from secondary and third party sellers are not eligible for replacement if lost, stolen, or not received by the seller. Additionally, the Capitol Theatre and WesBanco Arena are not able to process refunds for purchases made through secondary and third-party sellers.

Season Tickets

Fans of some events including the Wheeling Symphony may be Season Ticket Holders for multiple events. Benefits may include early venue access or access through specific doors. Please direct questions regarding your season ticket plan to your ticket representative.

Seating Chart

Please see Seating Chart for more information.


The safety, security, and comfort of our guests and employees is our priority. The Capitol Theatre seeks to create a safe and secure venue on event and non-event days. All guests entering the Capitol Theatre will go through metal detectors and have their bags searched. The Capitol Theatre and contracted security personnel reserve the right to deny items that violate bag policy, may cause damage to the facility or danger/disruption to an event. Guests who violate building policies, decline to be searched, or violate fan courtesy policy may be denied entry or ejected from the venue.

Service Animals

Service animals that are specifically trained to provide assistance to an individual with a disability are welcome in the Capitol Theatre. All service animals must remain on a leash or in a harness and be under control of the guest with a disability or designee. The service animal must rest in the seating area with the individual and not in the aisle.


Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the Capitol Theatre and anywhere on theatre property for all events.


The distribution of promotional items: flyers, pamphlets, printed materials, as well as the solicitation of signatures, is not permitted on Capitol Theatre property without proper authorization from management.


Strollers are allowed into the Capitol Theatre. Fold up strollers are preferred due to limited storage space. The Capitol Theatre does not provide any areas for secure drop off of any personal items.


IC Cab is available for alternative transportation in the Greater Wheeling area. Please call 304-232-1313 to arrange a ride. 

Uber is also available in the Wheeling area on a limited basis. 

Bird Scooters are available in the Wheeling area and are available around WesBanco Arena and Downtown Wheeling.


The Capitol Theatre is available for group tours with advance arrangement. To arrange a tour, please contact WesBanco Arena at 304-233-7000 or


Find the Capitol Theatre on X.


Compact umbrellas that are collapsible are permitted into the Capitol Theatre. We ask that umbrellas are able to be placed under your seat. All items are subject to searches upon arrivals. Please note this is subject to change the day of the event.

Video Cameras

Video, audio and professional camera and recording devices are prohibited in the building.